Last house on the left

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Posted by lurker on May 29, 2001 at 12:10

Here is a DVD Cap from the forced pants wetting scene from Last House on the Left. It was made by director Wes Craven before he became famous with movies like Nightmare on Elm Street and Scream 1 / 2 / 3. Just came across the DVD in a main CD shop in Europe. Just bought it out of curiosity because this movie is always mentioned in discussions about pants wetting scenes in main stream movies. Personally I do not like horror movies because of the violence. In my opinion Last House on the left is a violent movie but not much different from the other movies with pants wetting scenes, like the ones on Dices site: The Johnsons, All of Them Witches, The Exorcist, Guts of a Virgin, Lady Hunter, Pieces, The Man Who Fell to Earth, Threads, Kansas, Beloved, Besieged, The Dead Mother, Bangkok Hilton, Friday the 13th Part 2, point of No Return. All these movies have an element of violence and strong fear. Remember these are just movies and we can always, turn of our TV set, video or PC go to bed safely and have sweet dreams. - lurker -.

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