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Posted by Harry Plopper on December 22, 2003 at 06:55 []

This forum serves to offer much, not least of which is titillation, however I was just remembering back to before it existed and the way I felt about our fetish back then.

Back then it wasn't OUR fetish it was MY fetish

It was a guilt ridden, solitary, lonely, affair. No longer, it holds no guilt for me anymore-only excitement and messy enjoyment (I did a huge poo in my pants today - it was GREAT)

Not that I was lonely-very far from it, just that aspect of me that related to fetish

As I remembered the past I realised that I no longer viewed shitting in my pants as I once did. The guilt has gone. And that my fellow fetishists is all down to the internet and most especially this forum! (there are others but this is the most enduring, and even endearing)

So IMVFHO that is the greatest value of this forum, its ability to function- (and we all love functions don't we, especially when theyre in our pants?)as something that changes our perspective on ourselves, of how we are in relation to the rest of the world and above all:
to know that we are not alone as we fill our pants

-with special fondness to the staff at wetset, the list old timers and regulars, thanking you all and wishing you all a very happy christmas and a naughty new year!


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