Posted by Mark on December 20, 2003 at 04:08 []
In Reply to: Dad's permission to poop panties posted by Mayre P on December 19, 2003 at 11:51
It is really hard to say weather this was just a dad helping his daughter out of a situation or molestation. Just allowing her to poo in her panties could be considered as intent, after all he thought his wife wasn’t home so what would have happened if she wasn’t? Maybe it is just how she remembers the experience and she was the only one turned on. However if it is an accurate account than I agree it is suspicious.
When I was ten a family friend began looking after me often after my mother died. My first experience was when she told me to poo in my pants when she took me shopping. It was something I hadn’t done for years and tried to hold on for a while but when I did rather than getting upset by having a load in my pants I enjoyed it. When she finally took me to get cleaned up the experience became even more enjoyable. After the first experience I began doing it almost every time she looked after me. For a while I wasn’t aware she was also enjoying the experience until my eleventh birthday when we went cloths shopping and she helped me try almost every brand of underwear they had. I can’t remember the exact pair but when I put them on she said something like “they are the best poo poo undies I have ever seen”. Then she said things that made it obvious she like me pooing in my undies, especially when I did it in those undies in the changer room. It was also the first time I had noticed her panties were wet. When I asked her why, she didn’t only tell me she also showed me, which for an eleven year old was quite an experience.
I realise I can’t blame others for the poo fetish I have now but if she didn’t do those things I often wonder if I would be into it now. At times it has affected my relationships because of my desire to see their reaction. One example was when I was fourteen when I loaded my undies while I was walking home from a birthday party with my first girlfriend. Her reaction when I told her what I had done and the fact it was on purpose made me realise what I had been told was not true in a very big way.
Did anyone else have experiences when they were younger that they think could have got them into their pants pooing fetish?