Posted by jenny on December 08, 2003 at 22:33 []
Then I got drunk and watched videos of Al Gore screwing a dead buffalo. After that, I threw up on a picture of Bill Clinton and Gray Davis having oral sex while listening to audio footage of Hitler molesting a deformed donkey. Then I got up and ordered some rare videos of Ted Kennedy groping the corpse of George Burns. Micheal Moore came over after that and we had an orgy in the shower along with Martin Sheen and Bill Maher. My retarded son in law is a fag too. I liked Popeye. Superman is my favorite. My couch is a gay bar sometimes. Then I like to set fire to churches and I play with myself in front of nuns at Wal Mart. After dinner, my great grandfather came over and we rented a male stripper who looked like Ted Koppel with Down's syndrome. Bob Denver is my hero. hell yeah he is. Gilligan is a whore. Ice cream is better then rubbers. Dead dogs decorate my living room. Joe Albritton sold me some gay porn for my 3 year old uncle. We watched it and laughed all night. Then the next day, I took off my pants and jacket. know what I mean? haha. after work, I got off on footage of Lyndon Johnson getting it from a horse. Kurt Cobain is my idol cause he rapes cows. Donkey Kong is my favorite thing to play when im not playing with deceased farm animals. I have nude pics of Andrew Jackson in my bedroom right next to the pic of Bin Laden sucking a camel. I smoke crack in front of handicapped elderly autistic male hookers. After school I watch the news when Tom Brokaw is on cause he reminds me of my gay father in law that I used to bang in back of the mall. I lust after obese clowns. I beat it to the Flintstones every Thanksgiving. then I go outside and build a fence out of dried up sheep semen that I dig out from under my fingernails. Jung Hung Lee is my lover. I listen to Aerosmith when I think about how much I want to be with Andy Rooney.thats all I want to say....laterz.