Major in the pants action!

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Posted by Incitatis on January 30, 2003 at 12:20 []

Yo yo yo! Couple minutes ago I was hangin out on the puter checkin out some kewl pics of the ladies pissin a yellow river and felt the dragon at the backdoor. My puter is in the cellar near the attached garage. I was chillin in just my briefs, so I stepped out into the garage empty at this time since rents are at work. Nice sunny day spillin thru the windows. So Im lookin out at the world and I start to push. A few drops a pee first, but no biggie cause I already emptied that before, but then the motherload starts to crackle its way out of my puckerhole. About a baseball sized lump of poop bulged the back of my briefs. Not too hard, but hard enough to force its way out as a lump all at once. Nice ring stretch but not real painfull or anything. So then the crackling sound stops and things start to bubble a little if you get my meaning. I got a couple of waves of semi soft that sounded like a boiling pot or something which I thought was going to be a fuckin bitch and smelled like rotten eggs but as it turned out it realy wasnt to runny and felt good. Funny thing was I didnt get off then like I usualy do but I waited and Im kind of doing it now a little. I wish there was one of the chicks from this board with me shittin her fuckin black bikini pantys and lickin my bone right now. That would be awesome and if one of my boyz like Jace or Ric was here to get off watching and shitting himself too! Life is way cool!

Stay cool!


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