Posted by Anniewhere on January 29, 2003 at 08:11 []
What are your thought on comparing pany and diaper poping? I know since this is not the diaper page, that you already are probably anti-diaper, but I wanted to hear your viewpoints
I prefer pooping in my panties. It seems much more daring. Anyone can go out and poop in the protection of a diaper, but how many are willing to poop just in there pants. There is so muc more of a sensation of the poop packing in against your panties and caking in around your bum. Plus, it seems so much more like an accident. Wearing a diaper is basically planning for the event. Panty pooping seems so much more spontaneous. The fun of just stopping to poop when you want to, cannot be matched with diapers.
I like wearing a diaper sometimes. I can poop a bit better in publi that way, actually that is how I have worked up the nerve now to go out in public. The clean up certainly is much easier. Unless I sit in it, I just take the diaper off, and wipe a few times with a paper towel, and just throw the whole mess away. other than that, I don't really enjoy it much. Panties are the way to go!!!
Wanna hear your thoughts. Come on you closet diaper people.