Re: Public pooping place

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Posted by pantiespooper on January 25, 2003 at 08:21 []

In Reply to: Public pooping place posted by poopsmuch on January 23, 2003 at 23:58

I have pooped my panties while on walks. Sometimes to a park I was about a mile from, another time just around the neighborhood.

I suppose my favorite is in the big hallway downstairs from where I work. Because there are three bathrooms over the full length of the hallway (or is it four?), I can kinda pick and choose (often based on how crowded the hallway is) which I will use for my cleanup. Sometimes, I have even passed one of them with full panties, to clean up in the next; and couple of times, I have pooped myself, gone into one of the bathrooms, and THEN decided it was too soon and walked out with my panties full.. hehehe


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