Posted by nkotb on January 16, 2003 at 16:23 []
about 18 months ago i discovered this website and this forum after thinking i was alone in this world. having read alot of your guys posts i began to feel human and normal about my love of pooping my pants and hearing about girls who enjoy the same thing. i have been pooping my pants ever since i can remember entirely in secrecy. it took me a hell of a long time to pluck up the currage to post one of my stories on this board only because i'm incredibly shy. i'm sure you guys know what i'm talking about. anyhoos, my posts have either been met by hostility of which i take very personally, or just ignored which is upsetting to me when i have seen other new posters embraced. i know that both of you (mama, lucille) are decent people; i've seen the way you stick up for people who have had nasty coments made against them so please tell me i'm not wasting my time or making a fool of myself or should i just leave?