Posted by Vesta Scattanova on January 08, 2003 at 16:14 []
In Reply to: Health Risks posted by Shelby on January 08, 2003 at 05:12
Other than the Hep, HIV, and E-coli concerns that were already mentioned by Ganga, you need to be concerned not to get poop inside your private openings - the vagina and urethra in women and the penis glance/urethra in men. Also the usual precautions concerning cuts and open sores applies here as well.
In the case of a guy it is easy to keep poop off the end of the penis, but for a woman, I'm not sure what works. Maybe a tampon in the vagina would help. When I was a teenager, I gave myself one hell of a bladder infection that the doctor said came from "not being clean", so I can tell you from experience that this kind of infection is not fun.