Posted by pissed off gal on January 08, 2003 at 14:47 []
In Reply to: Re: silkyknickers is a GUY - please read posted by bulging panties on January 07, 2003 at 15:52
You hate LURKERS and yet YOU are the worst kin d!!! Where are YOUR pictures, lying-boy??! You know darn well the proof - check your own Message Board on your LAME group. You'll find - if you haven't deleted it - a few posts which spell out exactly why it's OBVIOUS you are not a female. Also, I always suspected it anyway. You don't "talk" like a girl. You talk like a PERVERT. YOU get a life. If you ARE female, as you claim - which you're not - then why don't you post pictures of yourself??? You post pictures of your dirty panties, so you have the technology and know-how to post pictures. don't tell me you care about someone seeing your butt, since you know you don't have to post your face or have any other reason to be worried about someone "recognizing" you, unless you have a tatto right there - and even then, what kind of people would be looking on your Group - or anywhere else - that you know? People into what you are, so who cares? If it's a guy you know - and you are a girl, which you're clearly not - then it might be exciting to have them know!
So, Mr. Liar, I think the truth is obvious. Go trolling somewhere else or prove you are who you say you are. Which you're not.