Posted by Tinman on October 26, 2000 at 17:29
In Reply to: Richard Pryor posted by Rich Tedrick on October 26, 2000 at 02:36
I almost hate to do this, but...
A long time ago I got in a big flame war with old Rich over at Alori's. That board was already reeling from major flame attacks, and ours was just one af a whole bunch of final nails in that board's coffin. Needless to say, the board went off line completely shortly thereafter.
Quite a while later, this board went through a big flame/spam attack. Followed by an even worse round with a moderator who went somewhat too far at times and pretty much destroyed this board. Wetset got rid of the moderator and put everything right, and just as the board was starting to pick up again, old Rich raised his head here for the first time. I responded and explained how badly this board had been hurt recently and mentioned that a bunch of junk from him at that moment might well destroy this board, same as he (and I) had helped to hammer a reeling Alori's board into total uselessness and eventual disappearance.
How did Rich respond? He shut up. He left this board alone until it had recovered somewhat and was "healthy" again.
He posts occasionally, he is a minor thorn in the side of some, and easily enough ignored by most. But he is not maliciously trying to detroy this place. I hate to admit it (Still his enemy!) and certainly neither support nor endorse any of his racial baiting views but Rich is not an all bad guy.