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Posted by Warthog on October 19, 2000 at 19:43

Guys, seriously... stop. I am an infrequent visitor to the shit board at best but I have taken an interest in this new "Cardely" thread.

"Dr. Cardely," if you haven't noticed, is not a single person. Somebody with a sense of humor created the name but now we have 10 or 20 people posting under that name trying to make the "doctor" look stupid (did we need any help?). You're ranting and raving to someone who is probably no longer posting, much to his/it's glee.

As the WARTHOG, I implore you (not that my name should mean all that much, but I'll still implore you) STOP POSTING DR. CARDELY MESSAGES PLEEEEEEASE!

That goes for you, too, Lionheart and Tippy Tipgiver. STOPPPP! Please? Pretty please with shit on top?


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