Posted by v'kar on October 18, 2000 at 13:26
In Reply to: Amazing medical breakthrough posted by Dr. Joseph Cardely on October 17, 2000 at 18:57
as a biochemistry/microbiology student, i know a little deal about this subject too.
it is true that there are some bacteria is feces, but these are as harmless as a match on the bottom of a pool.
since the feces was first INSIDE the body, it wil do probably less harm when its OUTSIDE, like in your pants.
colon cancer is in no way whatsoever related to defecating in ones pants.
the treu medical breakthrough here is the fact that you still don't have cancer, since you are so full of shit.
so my friends, let's all enjoy a good poop in all safety and health.
Dr. V'kar ( not a real doctor either, but i think a bacteriologist is still more qualified than a dumbass trying to get on people's nerves)