Posted by Prince Morgan on October 17, 2000 at 06:56
In Reply to: This is sick. posted by anoynomous on October 16, 2000 at 18:26
Hi, Anonymous!
I can understand your sentiments, though I don't share them.
We are conditioned by our parents and by society to think in a certain way. That way is patterned after an ephemeral idea held by a majority to be "normal". Take a look, Anonymous, at yesterday's "normal", and at today's "normal" and you willsee a great deal that is different. That difference strongly suggests the changeability of these ideas. They change because people learn and discover constantly. A fetish, such as what you find discussed here, a short time back was a thing that isolated people. Almost everyone who had such a fetish thought they were probably the only one. Now, because of computers, a new openness has emerged, and what once made people feel lonely can bring them together. The fetishist who had no friends can now have many, and experience a sense of community.
You call this board "sick", my friend. I would suggest to you that what you see here represents a healthy response to "normal" societie's attempts to isolate, control and model people into the image of it's own ideal.
The sickness is not here, Anonymous. What you'll find here is a gathering of friends who share, accept, and enjoy each other's company. The sickness is to be found in a "normal"society whose ideas about justice and progress and community involve murder, hatred and fear.
Come back, spend some time with us and relax. You'll like us.