Posted by Mike on October 08, 2000 at 20:43
This is my first time posting anything here. I am doing so because i actually had a real accident about a year ago. To tell you the truth I couldn't believe i couldn't hold it. I have always been able to hold out on not going to the bathroom for a very long time so it came as a shock to me when I lost control and couldnt do anything about it. So here is my story. Last year I was a freshman in college, Everything was very different for me thier. I was in a new state and a more populated area than I am use to. It all started when i was at cross country practice one day. We had a hard running workout that day and through most of the work out i had stomach pains, which is nothing new. If your a runner you would know how I felt. It happens to most runnners so I didn't think much of it. Once the workout was over we went for a 2-3 mile cool down. At this time I really had to use the bathroom but being outside thier was no place to go, normally when i run, i run on back roads and could easily hop into the woods and shit, but we were running through streets with tons of houses on them and no real wooded areas. We were about 1-2 miles into are cool down run when i told the rest of the guys i wasn't feeling so well and would see them back at school and I started to slow up and do a run walk type of thing which ussually eases up my stomach. Pretty soon I had to just walk because the pounding of running made me have to go even worse. I had about a mile left before i would make it to a toilet and i was a bit worried and i couldn't walk very fast and kept having to stop and hold it a bit and then walk again. Two young girls saw me and asked if i felt alright, i said yeah just a little stomach ache and i walked on my way, about a half mile from my school i couldn't take it anymore. I started looking for a place i where i might find any kind of bushes where i could go. I started to panic, and then it happened right thier on the side walk as i was walking. Poop just started coming out into my running shorts. I was stunned and couldn't believe it. I was thankful of one thing and that was that I wore spandex shorts that day so nothing could excape and it was not noticable. I qiucky darted, as more and more poop kept coming filling my shorts, behind a house nearby hoping no one was home as i found some bushes, and just pulled down my messy shorts and underwear squated and let the rest of my shit out onto the ground as quickly as possible, also dumped my underwear out although i still had a big sloppy mess in them i had to deal with hoping no one would notice on my way through campus to the locker room where i could shower and change. Well i ended up making it back to the locker room with no other problems. I ended up throwing my underwear away right then when i arrived at are locker. That was a very bad experience for me, but I am curious if anyone else has ever had an accident while exercising, especially women. Nothing that bad has happened to me lately, most of the time i make it into the woods.