Re: How do I poop my pants?

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Posted by Betty Poop on October 01, 2000 at 23:56

In Reply to: How do I poop my pants? posted by Alice on September 27, 2000 at 10:00

I think we need to look at what your goal is here. I've been doing this all my life so I know all the tricks. If you want to just go for a quick session, just some private time in the bathroom before a shower will work unless you have a large family where people will barge in on you. If you have your own room, that works, then just head for the shower when nobody's around. I use to spend hours in my room with loaded pants just going about my buissness, coming out briefly from time to time to get something to drink etc. I would put another pair of pants on over my jeans when leaving my room temporarily so nothing would show. It doesn't smell that much if you don't stay in the same spot too long. I didn't use plastic pants until more recently. I'm not sure if I like them any better, it's just easier on my other clothing. I live alone now & to be honest, I think I had more fun when there were others around. I appreciated my poop time a lot more then. Now I can do it whenever I want, & go as long as I want, & I don't have to hide. It's like it lost some of the excitement. Sometimes after I finish up, the whole thing seems kind of childish & silly. But then after a day or two, it starts over again. Hmm, maybe I'm just getting old.


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