Posted by Alex on September 27, 2000 at 11:24
In Reply to: How do I poop my pants? posted by Alice on September 27, 2000 at 10:00
Hi Alice. Others of us have been there. It was that way for me too, so I DO know what you're up against. Here are some ideas, some probably not applicable, but maybe some are?
1. Leave home. just kidding :)))
2. Buy clothes without your parents knowing, shit in them and through them away. You'll only have to worry about cleaning yourself up and dispersing the smell before your folks get back. But...
3. The most you can afford is probably panties, which are sometimes cheap. You can fill them with poop, piss in them, masturbate in them, then throw them away.
4. You may prefer shitting in jeans or other clothes, not just your panties. One way is place something insulating between your panties and your jeans, e.g. lots of paper or a plastic bag. Then you pull everything up, and enjoy filling your panties inside your jeans. Or...
5. Use disposable diapers for the insulation, putting them over your panties if you want them to get pooped in. Then pull up your jeans...
6. Instead of buying clothes, horde up your old clothes, hide them away, use them and toss them out in a plastic bag in the garbage without anyone seeing. This can provide a limited supply of pooping clothes of all kinds to be soiled and disposed of - underwear, jeans, tee-shirts, even socks!
7. An interesting variation is to do this in a secluded place outside. With any of the above formulae, go out in the country or something, carrying a change of clothes, some plastic bags, and other things you might need. You shit yourself there and now you find a discreet place to change your shitty clothes for clean ones, wiping yourself as best you can. Throw away the clothes you shit in and head home...
8. Instead of throwing panties away, wash and dry them and stash them away in a secret place for future fun.
9. Shit yourself on the beach in your swimming costume, then wash it our in the water (not near other people!).
10. By the way, swimming clothes are often good for pooping in because they're easier to wash out, dry quickly, and it may not look as suspicious to see them wet.
11. Find a boyfriend (or girlfriend) to do it with and do it at his/her place!
12. Take advantage of special occasions that are sure to arise from time to time where you can get away with it, and do it!
13. Fake accidents. Maybe not all the time, but on some very special occasion or other where circumstances are such that you could have an excuse for accidentally shitting yourself, do it on purpose and claim it was an accident. Or...
14. ...get yourself to actually have an accident, by hanging on when you really needed to poop, and letting it get the better of you. Hard to do perhaps, but sometimes you may get like that.
I'm sure I forgot a lot of ideas, but that's what everybody else is here for! C'mon guys, let's give Alice a hand!