Posted by Jake on September 20, 2000 at 18:58
The other night when my girlfriend and I were engaging in sexual intercourse, I got her down to just her panties and braw. I started to kiss down when I noticed a funny smell. I didn't really think anything of it. When she rolled over on her stomache, I stared to massage her back when I noticed the smell again. It smelled like a fart, but a little more potent then that. She couldn't have pooped her panties, I would have noticed that way before. She was wearing black panties, so it was hard to tell; however, I took a closer look. The smell got stronger and I think I saw a brownish stain. I've never seen this on any girl I've ever been with. There was definetley a poop smell coming from those panties. I kinda got turned on from it. I couldn't really find out any more, because got up and started to massaging my back. We didn't end up having sex that night, so I'll never know. I wish I could have had a look at those panties. Anyone else have this happen to them (girls with there boyfriends or guys with there girlfriends?)