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Story Of A Sweet Girl

CODE: 7524

Price: US$8.95

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Running Time: 7:47
Movie clip format: MP4
Available in Download Only
Amount: 1

Product Description

Cande Wet Dreams
Cande Wet Dreams

Story of a sweet girl who cried in her great palace
because her dirty desires had not allowed her to find love...

Growing up in the palace, her every whim was catered to, and when she said she didn't want to use the potty, her hand maidens didn't force her. She was allowed to keep wearing diapers instead, even as she got older and older. It wasn't just that she hated the potty, she also loved the feeling of wetting and messing her diapers - it felt warm and cozy and gave her tingly feelings all over her body. As she started to grow up, she discovered that those tingly feelings were a sign of sexual arousal, which only made her love wetting and messing herself even more. She began masturbating in her poop filled diapers, and it became an irresistible dirty desire!

Despite her dirty desires making it hard to find
love, and sometimes even cry, she kept doing it anyway!

She was of course expected to find a man and eventually to marry, but how would she ever be able to keep her dirty desires a secret. Or just as hard, how could she ever tell him? How could she tell him that she was still in diapers, that she wet and messed herself all the time, or maybe hardest of all, that she often did it on purpose for sexual pleasure and that she masturbated herself to orgasm in dirty diapers? What would he think? Would he still want to have sex with her? This dilemma sometimes made her sad, and one day in her great palace she even cried. But... nothing was ever going to stop her wetting and pooping herself - she loved doing it too much!

Movie available in high quality MP4 & Windows Media ZIP files and streaming MP4.

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