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A Messy Diaper Accident

CODE: VC-497

Price: US$6.95

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Running Time: 19:42 mins
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From Nikki's
Private Messy Moments

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Sat on my bed with my little bottom wrapped in a big soft diaper and a crinkly pair of plastic pants on top, I'm reading a Winnie the pooh book to Teddy. I haven't got that far in to it when I start to wriggle and squirm and tell Teddy that I need to go for a poopy! Teddy thinks it's silly that I have a diaper on and need to go on the potty but I want my princess big girl pull ups that I'm not going to get if I keep messing my diaper. I tell Teddy I'll read a little more but then I have to go to the potty.

Laid back in my bed with my legs open, I carry on reading. But my tummy is also starting to feel bubbly and I know I need to go potty bad. I'm just about to tell teddy so when I feel it starting to come out!

I need to push, I'm going to have to go in my diaper! It's too late! I pull my knees up to my chest and give a big push to relieve the discomfort in my tummy. You hear lots of crackling and popping as I begin to fill my diaper. I grunt and groan and another load nosily fills my diaper. My tummy is still sore and I can feel I have lots more coming! I swat on the bed and begin to push again, this next load totally fills my diaper. I can feel it pushing heavily against my plastic pants, and the warm mush inside spreading across my bum!

I look down at Teddy "Now look what happened!" I tell him. "I done a messy in my diaper!"

"Daddy" isn't home yet and I really don't like trying to change messy stinky diapers myself. My whole room smells so bad already and it's only going to get worse if I take my pants off!

Instead I decide to lay back on my bed and snuggle Teddy to wait for "Daddy" to get home to change me.

I must have dropped off to sleep, because the next thing I'm waking up again with cramps in my tummy! Oh no! Not more! I don't think my diaper can take it! But my little body has other ideas and I begin to fart loudly as yet another lot of mess forces it's way in to every crease of my diaper.

I can feel I'm at the point of leaking every where. You can even see the mess in the leg bands of my diaper trying to force it's way out.

I kneel up, and peel down my plastic pants. It smells so much that it's making me feel like I'll throw up! I then undo my diaper and attempt to get myself cleaned up. Once I think I'm clean again, I lay down on top of a fresh diaper, pull it up between my legs and tape it tightly, happy with the fact I'd managed to clean myself up all by myself.

(In fact I didn't do such a great job and "Daddy" had to fix me up all clean when he got home!)

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