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Lots of Farting & Diaper Messing!

CODE: VC-399

Price: US$14.95

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Running Time: 17:21 mins
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Amount: 1

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I start this clip showing you how very wet and soggy my diaper is. I've peed in it loads of times this morning already and it's very wet!

I'm also feeling very gassy and uncomfortable as yesterday and the day before I wasn't able to take a poop. Yesterday I ate everything that usually makes me go, so when I started to feel VERY gassy, I knew something was about to happen!

I got down on my hands and knees and poked my bum in the air. I didn't have to push many times before I felt a big poopy being forced out. I fart lots as I push it in to my diaper!

As I'm pushing and farting I can feel the poopy pushing against the back of my diaper, and I know it's making my diaper stick out so that you can see it being forced in!

When I'm done, I show you how full and heavy my diaper is. I'm even really surprised myself. All that food I ate really did the trick!

Suddenly I feel like I need to go again! I get back on my hands and knees and let out a really big fart. I'm so gassy! More mess fills up my diaper till it really is bulging and I'm seriously worried that my diaper may not hold!

I take off my diaper and realize how unprepared I'd been. I have no wipes! I attempt to clean up with toilet paper but it doesn't work so I jump in the shower instead getting my dirty bottom all clean again!

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