Today I was filming myself pissing in different clothes, but on the last pair of panties I decided to poop myself!
When you've spent your whole life getting enjoyment, sexual or otherwise, from wetting and pooping yourself, it's not something you can easily give up. I'm sure a lot of you can relate to that. Especially when it's a sexual thing, and I need to do it to get myself off. I can't cum unless I've at least wet myself, and often I can't cum unless I've got a big poop in my panties. So unless I want to give up masturbating and cumming, which isn't going to happen, then I'm not going to give up wetting and pooping. I want to do it, I need to do it, and I couldn't stop even if I wanted to!
Leather Leggings Diarrhea
Date Added: 21 December 2022
Leather Leggings Diarrhea
Leather look leggings, filled with the most massive mess of poop. I really shit myself this time!
Just gonna let it rip, hot shit exploding into my leggings & I'm not stopping til I'm a total mess & my pussy is throbbing!
Do you like my new leather look leggings? See how they cling so tightly to my sexy ass. I like them too, but I'm gonna like them a whole lot more very soon. You see, I need to shit, and I mean I REALLY need to shit. I know it's going to be hot and runny, and I'm just gonna let it all go in my leggings. I'm not going to stop until I'm a complete mess. I wanna feel that hot shit rush into my leggings, then spread out all over my ass, between my legs to my pussy, and down my thighs. It's gonna be hot and I'm gonna love it!
My Point Of View
Date Added: 20 December 2022
With the towel firmly between my legs, I pissed myself and then filled my panties and squished the bulge against it!
I'm sure pretty much every girl knows the joys of jamming a pillow or rolled up towel between her legs - squeezing it with her thighs and pushing her pussy against it. I always preferred the towel, because is was much easier to wash when I inevitably got too horny and wet and pooped myself. I've gone to bed on numerous nights with a rolled up towel between my legs, either pissing into it before I fell asleep or or doing it while I was in dreamland. But the best part is to combine all three - towel, wetting and then filling my panties with a huge poop.
Lake, Sun & Diaperpoop
Date Added: 16 December 2022
Lake, Sun & Diaperpoop
I've been on vacation and in diapers the whole time, not even caring if anyone noticed by bulging shorts!
I loved walking around & playing in a wet, poopy & heavy diaper, especially feeling it brush against my inner thighs!
I had a wonderful vacation, especially as I was diapered the whole time. As it was warm and sunny, I wore short skirts and denim shorts, and I didn't care if the wind blew my skirt up or someone noticed the bulge in my shorts. Whenever I sat down, I'm sure my diaper would have been clearly visible in the crotch. It was wonderful being able to wet and poop myself whenever I wanted, and I didn't even care of anyone smelled my poopy diaper! I loved the feeling of walking around in a wet, poopy and heavy diaper, especially feeling it brush against my inner thighs.
Satin, Sexy, Full & Filthy
Date Added: 12 December 2022
Satin, Sexy, Full & Filthy
I jammed my fingers between my legs and felt the warmth as my panties filled & expanded around them!
Feeling totally satisfied with myself for what I've just done, it's time to make sure you're satisfied too!
With my back to you, I jammed my fingers tightly between my legs and kept them there as I started to shit myself. My panties slowly filled and bulged, expanding around my fingers, and I could feel the sexy warmth all over my butt and also on my hand. My panties bulged so much that the poop began to escape through the leg holes, first down the back of one leg, and later down the other one too. I didn't have a top on, just a short pink skirt, so I could easily play with my hard, excited nipples - every time I touched them I felt a rush of arousal in my pussy and through my whole body.