Re: What are you looking for in a Daddy?

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Posted by Huggs.. on June 20, 2010 at 08:50 []

In Reply to: What are you looking for in a Daddy? posted by DaddyO on June 17, 2010 at 23:07

What are you looking for in a Daddy?

Some one who is one of my bestest friends..
Who makes me feel safe and loved and wanted just as I am.
Someone who I enjoy spending time with and who makes me giggle..

What most makes you feel like a litle girl?

Feeling that its ok... to just be myself..
Being spoken to as if I am litle..
Having fun and then sharing all my news..
snuggleing up on sofa to suck my thumb/dummy with teddy and my blanket..
LOTS of cuddles!!

What percentage of your life do you feel you want to dedicated to being little?

Inside I feel 50% little and 50% big and it merges together and flows naturally in my life..
I like to have times when I am 100% litle and just let go and relax.. but I really want my daddy for that.
practically I would like a daddy who i get to talk to most days and get to go and have special times with as often as life alows.

I have found someone who I want to be my daddy.. but since is early days I guess we will see.

Thankyou for such interesting questions and I hope you will answer them yourself 'DaddyO'

Emmie XXX


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