Posted by Leaker on May 10, 2010 at 19:47 []
In Reply to: Just a question posted by Sam on April 13, 2010 at 01:36
What started me into playing a toddler for a couple of friends who enjoyed being daddy to that age range was one bought a baby bottle and pacifier and I immediately started using the bottle for everything liquid. If she smokes or chews gum or chews her nails she may be prone to taking on an oral stimulus like a binkie or a bottle. Apparently I never outgrew the need to have something in my mouth all the time and still suck my thumb when really scared or stressed so I like the feel of something to suckle or suck on when my partner's penis isn't nearby or isn't kosher. Just a thought from a woman's perspective.
And you said she has tendencies towards being a little - describe what her tendencies are? Its possible she's not wanting to be an infant but a potty trained toddler? (That's what I would describe my happiest point as - being in the potty training phase but never really getting out of it) - which puts me in the group ok to use diapers to help me 'learn' to stay dry during the night/day etc, punishment (spankies if I fail to be a big girl), bottles and binkies to keep my mouth happy, and knowing that I can be potty trained at any time (and or revert back to not being) - slip ups.