Posted by Glad to help on January 05, 2010 at 21:41 []
In Reply to: Re: Completely disagree - with a different spin posted by bunnyBottoms on January 02, 2010 at 11:22
I appreciate the vote of confidence! Although my slave would certainly say that I'm a creep at times.
I like Fetlife. I've also met quality play partners on Collarme is good too. That aside, I'm a strong advocate of face-to-face kink groups, largely for the same reasons you outlined in earlier posts: sincerity.
SM groups can seem alienating, particularly for those with fringe kinks (e.g. diapers). And while I'm very much into SM, bondage, confinement, etc., I've felt out of place many times among SM crowds. Lots of heads nodding when I discuss how much I enjoy cages and collars, but the room goes quiet when I mention the "d-word."
As said, typical me -- I always mention that I love diapers, the room goes quiet and a few people laugh uncomfortably. Without fail, someone always approaches me later and tells me s/he likes diapers too. Or is curious. Or would love to visit a few sites to see what its all about. *ALWAYS HAPPENS* Back in my single days, I attended lots of BDSM group meetings, and in spite of my *VERY OBVIOUS* diaper leanings, I still managed to make lots of friends, and even made a few diaper friends from among them. And I played quite a bit too!
Of course, I'm in New York. Bigger kink population to choose from than Iowa per se. But I suspect that if you keep attending those SM munches, that you'll not only make a few friends, but also find a few curious parties.
That said, you'll probably also need to travel a bit. Omaha, Kansas City, maybe as far as Chicago or Tulsa (good group there called TDS). Is all that traveling a pain in the ass??? Definitely. Disappointing??? Often. Worth it??? Absolutely, IMO.
You may already know the links / organizations I'm posting below, but let's start here and work in larger circles in subsequent replies. Key thing is to network, make friends, get your name out there and you *WILL* find Daddies with whom to explore and have fun. Anything new on this list?
DADG Productions
Midwest Alternatives
Nebraska - Iowa Kinky Youth (NIKY)
CROP (Cedar Rapids)
Tulsa Dungeon Society (TDS)