Re: so, it was inevitable I guess...

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Posted by GentleDad on November 25, 2009 at 12:25 []

In Reply to: so, it was inevitable I guess... posted by tilly on November 24, 2009 at 18:03

I am so sorry Tilly, and I join with everyone else in saying What an Idiot!! This wasn't a vote against being a little girl. Exactly the same thoughtlessness happens in vanilla relationships also. Not everyone is suited to everyone else, but a decent normal guy would have talked to you first. I am very lucky now in that I am getting to know someone that I think might be my true Little Girl. But she and I both went through a lot of disappointments first. All of us Daddies think it is TERRIBLE that any little girl should be lonely and without her Dad! The VERY IDEA!! Your "freakishness" might be my lifetime dream. There are lots of good Dads. Smile and keep looking!!


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