Posted by bumwrap on February 27, 2009 at 00:35 []
In Reply to: Hello im new... posted by Babygirl on February 26, 2009 at 18:24
Well you've taken the first step and that's admitting to yourself how you really feel and what you would like. If your boyf knows and doesn't approve than unfortunately, as hard as it may be, you may want to reconsider him for a long term relationship. In order for things to work two people have to accept each others wants and needs. You should never have to suppress feelings or desires from another in a relationship as that only leads to eventual feelings of resentment. As for having a daddy and a boyf? Like the others said, probably not a good idea, especially since your boyf doesn't approve of the LG thing in the first place. You're young, take your time and find what you really want :) If you want to chat I posted our e-mail. Good Luck!