Posted by Missy on December 20, 2008 at 23:00 []
In Reply to: Girls who can "pass" posted by L.E. on December 17, 2008 at 18:15
depends on the girl I'm sure, but I still pass for quite young, even underage and I'm 30... I'm also less than 100 pounds and 4'10" though... and dress in kids clothes most of the time. I'm still ok at passing for younger at the moment, but i know eventually it'll be much more apparent in my face.
They youngest I was ever taken for after I was 18, was someone who thought I was 9 when I was 20, granted I'm short skinny and not very curvy, and was wearing very cute clothes and pigtails...
Earlier this year, after I had turned 30, someone thought I was about 14-15... I'm sure people try to assume age all the time, but they usually don't tell me about it :-)