Re: Girls who can "pass"

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Posted by L.E. on December 18, 2008 at 11:53 []

In Reply to: Re: Girls who can "pass" posted by Asuka on December 18, 2008 at 07:54

You're talking about just going around by yourself and being taken for 12 at the mall?(Do you ever try for under-12 tickets at the museum or movie theater?I've had contact with a gal who liked to get into movies as a child at age 20,and heard of a married couple who did this every year on the wife's birthday and hadn't been caught yet).

I'd want to be with my girl when she did this sort of thing.If she hung around with kids her role age she'd have to not take advantage of them,and I'd have to be the disapproving daddy if a boy her role age got interested in her.

There could be a lot of places we'd go (where we weren't known as an adult couple),I could buy her cotton candy,and so forth...not sure if she'd be into public accidents in her pants...


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