Posted by Daddy2Layne on October 12, 2008 at 05:00 []
How, you ask, can a long-distance relationship that started off w/so much promise, endured some tough times and beat the odds end up hanging in the balance?
It's simple: when a certain daddy (that would be me) takes what he's got for granted and acts like a dick by convincing himself it's OK to look elsewhere for certain needs to help him "deal" w/the separation.
Needless to say, I've committed a major transgression and just want to make things right...I'm genuinely sorry for what I've done and don't wanna live w/o her, whether she realizes it or not, and I do love her and hope she still feels the same way after all I put her through.
Any suggestions? And please keep the flames to a minimum...while I prolly deserve it, a little mercy would be much appreciated, thanks.