Re: Something I've noticed and a question.

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Posted by elle on September 19, 2008 at 19:53 []

In Reply to: Re: Something I've noticed and a question. posted by nurturing sir on September 19, 2008 at 19:24

I wasn't avoiding the diapers, per say. I just figured it was a given, I guess. Then again diapers are only a small part of my little time, and sometimes I don't wear them at all. I think I've said before that we, my Daddy and I, have our foundation in D/s and that the age play is secondary, so sometime I don't fit the lg mold of this board either. My little is normally between four and seven so I guess I'm not really an AB. I do love my pullups though!

Good luck in your search nurturingsir. Do you use any other sites besides this one?


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