Posted by Daddy Adam on August 12, 2008 at 00:24 []
In Reply to: Why diapered 24/7? posted by Bethan on August 11, 2008 at 18:17
I would say that wearing 24/7 is very impractical, is has a very limiting factor on the things that you have to do throughout your day. Any incontinent person would tell you that having to wear is dreadful and they would give anything not too.
I believe that the ideaology behind wanting to babied 24/7 is a way of total escape from their reality, its because their real life is to hard for them and they want to ignore it all and use sombody else for dependency. It is a escape and ignore tactic.
Having the 24/7 lifestyle is inpractical and selfish not to mention that things would become boring and dull quickly. We all have real lives to lead and be productive members to our societies, there has to be a equal balance between real life and the AB/LG life. We all have to to work, pay bills and taxes, see the inlaws(groans) etc etc.
Being AB/LG lets us relax and forget about the troubles of the world. It lets us go back to a time of innocence and playdoh. It lets have a period where we can be at the young age we want to be and enjoy doing it. If you are lucky enough to have a partner then one of you can have the parent role and the expeirience is wonderful, totaly immersable in the roles and realistic.
However i have always believed that to much of a good thing is bad and i think that being 24/7 would make things dull and you would always be struggling to find things to do. Few hours every day or week and its more enjoyable, a treat, the novelty hasnt worn off, so to speak.
Wearing 24/7 also has its health complications too. Skin breaks down, rashes develop, some cases people can get sores. Skin has to breath and be taken care of, like a real baby, the nappy has to come off once in a while to allow the skin to recover.
There is also the risk of dependency, some that have worn 24/7 have become so used to wearing that they manage to just go without thinking and then when they cant wear for 1 reason or another, (i.e seeing parents, doctors or a job interview) their body just lets pee out without thinking, assuming there is a nappy to catch it. Which results in wet knickers and lots of humiliation and anger.
I feel that those that want to make themselves inco need to seek psychiactirc help, there is no need for this type of behaviour and it is unhealthy. Saying that it would make you more babylike is not a good enough reason. Catheters are dreadful and should not be used unless you realy have to, they cause infections all the time and can lead to kidney damage and failure.
Ok, rant over. Be happy in what you do, but have a equal balance. To much of a good thing can make it bad and sour.