Re: looking for a babygirl

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Posted by anna on July 24, 2008 at 09:20 []

In Reply to: looking for a babygirl posted by daddylee on July 17, 2008 at 07:13

i am a baby girl in nyc who has been looking for a daddy but can't find one. i am generally a good girl but have frequent accidents when i have to wear big girl panties and sometimes am naughty and need a loving spanking to know who is in control. do you ever come up to nyc- i don't live alone, but if you had a hotel we could spend some time getting to know eachother...i am very girly-love ribbons, tutus and other play princess attire...i also like it when my daddy frequently checks to see if i need a diaper change- even when i protest because we are in a mall or a public place where someone might notice a diaper peeking out under my little dress


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