World of Warcraft guild

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Posted by BabyRissi on July 18, 2008 at 02:19 []

If you play WoW, you might be interested in our guild on Sentinels (US).

We're called Destined Legacy (DL!) and we are a Horde guild. We take anyone of any level, and we're relatively tiny right now but I expect a growth as more AB's join us. We're strictly an AB/DL guild, to join, Send an ingame mail to Dallavin mentioning this site or perhaps your favorite nappy brand. :)

We're relaxed, but we have a few crucial rules, mostly being that we do not talk about AB/DL life with non-guildmembers (for our own protection!) and try to keep guildchat nice and clean. :)

Have fun, stay cozy and comfy, and hope to see you in our little virtual community!


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