Re: why such anger?

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Posted by Daddy on February 15, 2008 at 06:32 []

In Reply to: Re: why such anger? posted by Daddy on February 14, 2008 at 10:22

So in your mind, because I choose not to engage in homosexual activity, I am homophobic? I assure you, the only phobia I have is height-fright. Homophobia was a word made up by homosexuals in order to justify their heterophobia. Homosexuals are revolted by females, but of course, it's straight people like me who are the ones off-base - even though 90% of us are not homosexual. So in our mind, the minority view is to be imposed on the majority. Your view is the one promoted by militant homosexuals. Hmmm.

Your writings are making you suspect.. but I have nothing more to say on the subject.

Go after what you want and enjoy it. I already have mine. But now we can see the anger is that of your own. I couldn't care less about who has sex with whomever as long as they are of legal age, and it is consensual.


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