Posted by Lucys Daddy on November 12, 2007 at 05:01 []
wow what a great weekend. poor old lucy was very stroppy in the car on the way down on friday night, she told me she didnt need a wee when we stoped for petrol and she wanted to stay in the car and listen to the radio. fine i said but its another 2 hour drive and i dont want to keep making breaks. Half an hour later shes bursting for a wee. we had a big argument before leaving home because, we were heading for a party at her sisters and she had convinced me she didnt want a nappy on, and was very reluctant when i insited she wear a pair of trainer pants just incase. Lucys allways been accident prone quite aside from her likeing to be little and trainer pants are not new to her or her family. Infact her mum used to make her wear them well into her teens, on long trips and when they went shopng.anyway she started to wriggle more and more , and i got a bit frustrated, long week, wanted to get to the party etc. I told her i would stop at the next service station,but she better keep dry till then or there would be consequences . well she didnt make it and there were consequences. she flooded her trainer pants ,her jeans and the seat of the car. Im a kind dad but i was furious as i had given her both the options of nappies and a toilet break. so I decided she needed to learn a lesson. so she had to stay in her wet things till we got to her sisters And take whatever reactions people gave her on arival. Huge hugs and sympathy was the answer. well her sister scooped her up and said they better go upstairs and find her something to wear. As they walked down the hall i said lucy go and get your bag from my boot and you better put on what i asked you to before we left as i dont want anymore problems. Her sister looked a bit confused, so i simply said, oh this has been a long term problem and like your mum did when lucy was younger we keep some spair absorbent underwear around just incase,but lucy dosnt allways want to wear it. Her sister gave me a sympathetic nod and then off they went upstairs. They were gone for a while and when they came back down lucy was wearing a cute skirt and t shirt her sister had lent her.They were laughing and happy and lucy looked the most chilled out she had for ages. It turns out that in going through her bag to get the nappy out she had ended up showing her sister some of its other contents. I was suprised cos she had talked about telling her family about stuff for ages but i didnt think she ever would. Her sister told me yesterday that it wanst to big a shock and she had wondered ever since lucy was a teenager. It was no secret in the family that she never gave up thumb sucking or her love of soft toys. well the magic bit was as we were setting out for a walk after luch lucys sister calls her out to the hall and she had got lucy reins which she had found the night before in the bag. the next thing i know is that lucys bright red but still smiling, her reins are on over her coat, none of the under the coat stuff i do, and her sister is holding onto her. Well lets just say, with her older sister holding her tight, me being proud of her being so publicly childish and her looking like she was high off the humiliation, we had the most fab time walking round a sea side town. I never know if people think lucys autistic, or im an older protective parent, or if they know we are in love and jut express it in a way that would seem odd to most people. But the drive back was great, no fuss over nappies, and we both feel so happy that we can be so open with lucys sister about something wich has been quite a secret of ours for so long. so it dosnt look like lucys going to be growing up any time soon. And now weve got over the embarassment it will be reins over coats whenever we go out from now on in a crowd. Well little girls who still wet themselves in the car are hardly grown up enough to be trusted to stay close in a crowd without reins are they! lucy says im treating her too babyishly but deep down i think she enjoys it. I love holding her safe and i love the red face she has when people stare at her.