Posted by baby zoey on October 23, 2007 at 21:04 []
I am 19 and when I first told my Boyfriend about it he was so interested and wanted to play with me. I always thought well if he is cool with it he'll play with me. No turns out he's just cool with it. He's a Great guy and everything but i don't know how to get him more interested. He says when i'm little he has nothing to do. I was like thats not true. I have done everything to get him interested but nothing works. Its gotten so bad i use my hypnosis against him yes i know it is wrong and alot of ppl thing it doesn't work but it does for me. Well back to the story There is a hypnosis called cursethumbsucking time. Well basic thing is if i say it to myself well i'm a lil baby for the next 2 hours. Well atleast i know him well enough to know he would never leave me all alone when i'm a little baby. I don't know what to can you guys tell me how to get my unitrested bf intrested PLEASE