Re: don't spank me daddy

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Posted by An Angry LG on October 17, 2007 at 10:17 []

In Reply to: Re: don't spank me daddy posted by NUnya on October 16, 2007 at 06:58

you obviusly had a bad experiance but that is no reason to ruen other LGs times and lives by saying things about them that is not true. How do you know what she is how could you look threw the computer screen and tell if she is a girl or not. I personaly think that if the men in this place were as rude as you are there would be no LG or AB girls and then where would you all be. I think that you NUnaya, Me Again, Daddy in Jux, Jux Daddy. You need to learn to keep your mouth shut because one day there is going to be that one special women out there just for you (if he becomes more polight) that your going to say is..... well one of the rude names you call people and in not going to say them..... and your going to hurt her and then you will be all alone and stuck with the others out there that are Sissys. So I really do beleve that if you want to post things like that then you should not post them here.

This sight has to my knoledge not had a problem till now and YOUR THE PROBLEM



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