Re: Potty Training?

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Posted by L.E. on July 23, 2007 at 20:26 []

In Reply to: Potty Training? posted by Asuka on July 23, 2007 at 20:05

OK,what do you mean by potty training? most people that means getting a girl to use the toilet instead of letting go in more entertaining circumstances.

I don't know what you've been doing in your online training...have you managed to let go in clothes when alone as instructed,then?

You WILL have to get through getting used to "on-purposes" before your body adjusts to the possibility of real accidents.

Since you don't want diapers I suppose you can't practice in bed but you can try leaving your panties on when you go to the bathroom.If you can get yourself used to going then you can start taking it out of the bathroom.

One gal I got into diapers over the net at first couldn't let go unless she was sitting on the toilet,then managed to do it sitting on the edge of the bed,then awake lying in bed,and finally got to go in her sleep.Again...I gather nighttime wetting is not your goal?

Is your objective to find yourself occasionally letting go before you can catch it?...or what?


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