Posted by Calle on October 09, 2007 at 16:34 []
In Reply to: bethan and questions posted by lucys daddy on September 29, 2007 at 05:12
who like playing with lego ? I LOVE legos! I have a bunch in my closet, which are actually left over from when my husband was a kid.
who like playing with marbles? Not me!
who thinks some grown up dogs are like us and become adult puppies? Definately! The same applies to cats, in my opinion- I have older cats that are just as goofy as when they were kittens.
who loves being little and being kept safe by others? me, although I feel "safe" with very few people.
are you scared of getting old or looking forward to all the care you will get without question as an old person? I wouldn't say that I'm scared- there are perks to getting old, such as seeing things in the world change, and gaining widom- but I'm definately not looking forward to having my body deteriorate and having to have someone look after me.
if you suck your thumb what flavour is it and does the flavour change? Mine tastes like skin, or else a slight flavor of whatever I've eaten last.
If other daddy hear have you ever taken your little girl shoping or to the park or zoo on reins, how did it make you feel? I'm a little girl, so this doesn't apply to moi.
if you are a little girl and you hae been put back on reins how did you feel? Never done it.
How much of your roll play is re living your childhood and how much is it experiencing things you allways hoped for but never had as a child? With the exception of playing with toys, most of it is stuff that I never experienced. There was a lot of drama when I was a kid, and I don't want that again. I was also potty trained pretty early and don't remember ever wearing diapers.
are you religouse/spiritual? Religious, but it is more of a religion based on personality, rather than one with "rules" and mysticism.
Do you think that your brain is wired similar to other little girls or daddys you have talked too? I definately think that I have some things in common with other lg's (and lb's) that I have talked to. For instance, the need to feel safe, and the urge to wet and be taken care of are all similarities.
A number of people into alternative lifestyle have been assesed as having conditions such as dyslexia,dyspraxia,adhd and aspergers syndrome do you have any of the above ? None of the above. I am bipolar, but I don't think that counts. :-).
People with learning dificulties and developmental disabilities tend to be very clever and have high iq's be good at thinking outisde of boxes etc but find it hard to do things conventionaly so get written off as lazy or stupid. Its allso true alot of people on this spectrum are intalectualy mature but emotionaly imature, even if they are good at acting grown up when they need too. having a little girl world to escape too is both brilliant fun and a coping stratergy.
has anyone else noticed that in the middle of being safe and little, a little girl can come out with very deep thought and concept? I tend to have trouble shutting off the "adult" part of my personality, even when I'm in my LG mood (although to an extent, I am always a LG).
anyone else got any experience of little girls with eating disorders wich partly stem from an attempt to reverse puberty or a fear of growing up? Not unless you got eating too much when I go out to eat. lol.
sorry so many questions just keen to go a bit deeper having finaly got round to posting. I guess in the same way that goth is as much about philosophy as it is about wearing black being a little girl is much more wholistic and deep routed than you or your partner getting pleasure from you wetting and messing your knickers? I'm not entirely sure what the question was, but wetting and diapers are much more to me than a sexual kink. It is an escape, a way to feel safe, and in general, just part of my personality. I still enjoy kids books (well, young adults), kids movies, and kids toys (such as legos and hot wheels).
Are little girls the driving force behinde the huggies drynite developments? I don't think so, although I'm sure we help their sales tremendously.
whats everyone reading at the moment? "Tender is the Night" (F. Scott Fitzgerald), and "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" (for about the fifth time, and J.K. Rowling).
anyone else like manga ? Do you mean "mango"? and yes.