Posted by Daddy_J on June 08, 2007 at 02:08 []
I'm new to this board and need some advice....
I'm lucky enough to have a wonderful but very naughty little girl. She has picked up some rude words from kindy....including the 'f word' and I just can't seem to clean up her potty mouth.
I've tried spankings, corner time and even put her in cloth nappies, which she hates, but all to no avail.
My latest effort is a chart on the fridge. It has two labelled 'naughty girl stickers' and the other is headed 'good girl stickers'. Every time my little girl is good she gets a sticker that is a letter of the alphabet to put on the good side and when she is naughty I add one to the naughty side.
I've told her that we a are going to do this in alphabetic order, so she gets to learn her alphabet, and when she gets to 'Z' on either side she will be either punished or rewarded.
Currently she is on 'K' on the good side and 'H' on the naughty side. My problem is that there are plenty of rewards I can give her for being good - sweeties (candy), toys, clothes etc but what can I give her as a punishment. I've thought about more spankings but I think she actually enjoys being spanked so may be that should be a reward !
Any advice from any strict daddies out there, or little girls who are good girls because their daddy has got them under control, would be welcome.