
Little Girl Lost |
All alone in the woods, a strange abandoned cabin - it's no wonder I did a big mess in my diaper!
I was exploring the woods by myself when I became hopelessly lost. I already needed to poop, but the Worry about finding my way back made my need more urgent. And then I came across an old, creepy, abandoned cabin. I desperately needed to go, but I wanted to make sure first that I was safe. I peeked through the door and the windows, and it appeared the coast was clear, so I just stood there and dirtied myself. Feeling a nice warm poop fill my diaper always gives me a sense of security, so I felt safe and happy then to explore the woods further.
After messing my diaper twice, my bottom was very dirty, so when I found a lake, I washed myself all clean!
As I like to do, I checked out the mess in my diaper, then headed further into the woods to explore some more. But then I needed to go again! Leaning against a tree I pushed real hard and did another poop. I continued on, but by then my bottom was very dirty and my diaper heavy. Luckily I had circled around and came back to the lake, so I took off my diaper and did a piss on the shoreline before taking off my hiking boots too and heading out into the lake to clean myself up. My hand was still a bit smelly afterwards, but I didn't mind - I like being a dirty girl!
Movie available in high quality MP4 & Windows Media ZIP files and streaming MP4.
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