In Reply to: Bedwetter's Families and attitudes posted by Bedwetnden on October 26, 2007 at 12:21
well growing up i think i went though all the diffent ways people handle bedwetting from being put back in daipers when at grand parents to being woken every three hours byt the night nurce and sent to the toilet and if the bed was wet it was just change to when at home getting punished or made to sleep in it unchanged till sundays on my 12th birthday everything change when i came to the breakfast talbe in my wet pjs dad handed me a present it was a long straight box which i opened to find inside a thick leather belt the cesopnd present was a square box when i opened this it was a hard thick plastic sheet he then told me to go to my room and wait for him as i stood there in my room looking at these tow present i did not realy understand and he came in he then said to hand the belt on the back of my door and then to strip the bed take the old plastic sheet off and put the new one on and to remake the bed with the same sheet (untilll then i would just strip the bed and take the sheets to the wash and wash them) he then told me to strip and to pass him all my pjs he then said from now on you will sleep naked and you will get one bed change a week on sundays it ws only monday this day nothing else was said till saturday night before i went to be were he just said stay in my bed till he comes in
as for my brothers well there were two bedwetters in our house the older dad said nothing to or did nothing he just sleep in his wet bed every night and my brothers would tease us both about it