Hi all,
I am in the process of compiling Issue #52, and I am short a few letters. Would anyone have any bedwetting experiences they might like to report in an unpublished (yes even on the internet) letter, or perhaps recount some of your own true experiences with bedwettings in a letter that will be published in the magazine?
If your letter is suitable for publication, I will reward you for your trouble with Wet Set products. Letters must be at least 1 page typed arial 12 point, no more than 2 pages. They ideally should feature a female wetting her bed at some point. No underage (ie under 18) participants please, unless you're briefly describing how you came to your adult fetish. Sex is fine, sexy is desirable!
Email any submissions directly to me: jackie@wetset.net
Email: jackie@wetset.net
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