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Posted by Conner on October 04, 2007 at 16:54 []

Does anyone remember a bdewetting diaper pant called 'pro-pants'. They were quite popular during the 60's through the late 80's before the advent of disposible diapers. I can still see the sign which used in the local pharmacy window...a yellow placard with a doctor in a white lab coat with a caption that read 'problem bedwetting, solution pro-pants. Then in the upper portion, a clock with another caption that read 'around the clock protection for the whole family'. The best part was the silouhette of the father, the mother and kid; all wearing pro-pants.

As a kid, I grew up wearing pro-pants at night right through my sophomore year in college before I moved on to Attends. So any of you readers wear pro-pants as a kid or teen.


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