In Reply to: Re: sound of brother or sister wetting the bed? posted by Wanna know... on December 17, 2007 at 20:34
My parents never humiliated or punished us for wetting the bed, they realized that it was no one's fault. With that said, they also had no interest in making us too comfortable with diapers and such and also thought that on boys such things would be humilating, which it would have been. They were discrete, to a point. Mom used to wash our rubber sheets from time to time and hang them outside on the line to dry. With 3 teenagers in the household and two rubber sheets on the line, anyone interested must have had a good time wondering who was the "owner" of each sheet. When we traveled, which become more frequent into our teens, we did wear diapers and rubber pants and did feel infintile. Also, since both of us were relatively heavy wetters, these often leaked anyway. Our bed's were well protected with rubber sheets under the bed sheet and after the age of about 9 we were expected to deal with the wash when we wanted to. Our sheets were changed once a week by Mom, like everyone else's in the household. And frankly, when you pee your bed just about every night for the first 10-11 years of your life, that is about 4,000 wet beds. You do kind of get used to it and it is no big deal.