Re: Bedwetting Pharaphenalia

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Posted by mary on November 16, 2007 at 13:32 []

In Reply to: Re: Bedwetting Pharaphenalia posted by dkunz on November 08, 2007 at 04:12

Much the same as dkunz. I had a red rubber sheet over the mattress. In the middle of the bed, Mum would put an old heavy towel with a drawsheet over that. I wore terry cloth nappies which Mum would help me with until I was about 9. After that I put them on myself. I wore plastic knickers over the nappy. Oh, and yes, I used Johnson's baby powder and sudocreme to help prevent nappy rash.

Nowadays, it it much the same, except that living now in my own house, I use a clothcovered rubber mattress protector. I no longer use a drawsheet, but still put an old towel under the sheet to absorb leaks.

I have some leaks, but the towel works well. I rinse out the wet towel and put in a dry one at night. I only need to change the sheets about once a week. They are stained, but not with huge stains. Sometimes the stains overlap and become a deeper yellow.

However, I do not wet every night and sometimes up to a week or even moe can go by and I will remain dry at night. Although I am accidental bedwetter, I derive pleasure from it. I like the warmth and feeling of security of having a nappy absorb my wee inside my plastic knickers.


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