Re: New questions for bed wetters

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Posted by Daniel on November 11, 2007 at 23:19 []

In Reply to: New questions for bed wetters posted by Steve on November 08, 2007 at 01:23

1. What or who got you into bedwetting for pleasure?

When I was about 10 or so, I was spending the night at a friends house, and discovered my friends little sister was a bedwetter, I had a mild crush on her then. since then I always liked the idea of it.

2. How old were you when you started wetting on purpose?

about 12 or so.

2. Do you think there is a connection between childhood wetting and wetting for pleasure as you get older?

I wasnt really a bedwetter as a child, so its hard to say. but I like the idea of it.

3. Since you started wetting on purpose have you regressed in to sleep wetting?

no not really. I do wet my bed on purpose sometimes but have not had a real accidental wetting.

4. Do you think you will always wet your bed?

Probably for a long time. I hope to find a partner who is a bedwetter and maybe we can share in this together.

5. Do you regret becomung a bedwetter?
no, except when I go in my PJs and then realize I gotta go to work. and dont have time to clean it up. :p


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