Posted by BrianInSF on July 30, 2005 at 12:35 []
In Reply to: Re: Hobbies? posted by Tropical Baby on July 29, 2005 at 23:01
I'm not sure where you're from, only that you're from the tropics. But playing the role of arrogant American I'll just assume you're from the states :-)
I don't know whether you've ever seen it, but there's a TV show called Top Gear that finnaly made it's way over to the states. It's on the discovery channel, often at a weird hour at like 11pm or something.
The show kicks overwhelming amounts of ass. It's the first realy good car show I've seen preaty much anywhere. All they do is test drive this large variety of realy awesome cars, and occasionaly have fun with them. Last episode I saw they tried to see if they could get a limo to jump a wedding.
But if you like German and Italian cars you'll realy dig this show. Sometimes they'll test realy small cool compacts, and often they test supercars, but their stock and trade is high performance luxury vehicles, and that usualy translates to German and Italian, not to mention British and French.
Anyway, they realy do a good job, and if you dig European cars, then you should definately give it a watch. Or at least download some episodes,
Any other fans of the show?