Re: 1950's Potty Training?

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Posted by Ed White on July 27, 2005 at 11:22 []

In Reply to: 1950's Potty Training? posted by peradventure_tom on July 23, 2005 at 18:10

If a perslon (parent or not) is cought beating a child or spanking a child for what ever reason. Would end up in Jail and their children taken away from them until Child suportive service determins it's ok to return the children to their home. The adults would be charged with child abuse and indagering the welfare of a minor. Back in the fifties people would no interfeer with how parents bring up their children. But over time the so called do gooders and the shrinks determind that children should not be hit or spanked for any reason. Many parents of the fifties were also brought up being spanked for wetting and or soiling their beds and or day clothes. They turned out ok (that is most of them did). True there were cases of extream beatings and spankings back then. But one did not hear that much about it then. I could go on but you get the idea.


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